Our Websites: Use of Personal Information AIS will only use your personal information for legal matters that will only be beneficial to you. ACFICSCU considers your confidentiality and security of high importance. Therefore, we maintain these standards, for your protection. Use of Non-Personal Information Use of the Website ACFICSCU also ascertains no responsibility and shall not be responsible for any damages to and or viruses that may corrupt your computer equipment or property due to: the accessing, browsing of the website and or the downloading of any material from the website. Managing Your Information May You Enjoy Our Website Mailing Address:
Web Disclaimer and Contact Information ACFICSCU provides this website as a service. This site, like most if not all things on the World Wide Web, is a continual state of change and expansion. The purpose of AIS website is to contribute information pertaining to our School, its purpose, services, academic curriculums, facilities, and resources. Although we try to take every step to secure that all is accurate, timely and appropriate information is gathered, there is no guarantee that the information gathered herein is correct and or updated. AIS makes no assurance, either expressed or implied, concerning the certainty, fullness, reliability or eligibility of the information. The World Wide Web is completely capable of providing a vast range of information and services. AIS is not responsible for any of the materials viewed, read and or accessed while you are linked on the World Wide Webs. We provide our network web pages as a form of convenience and service, and by any means do we constitute an endorsement. ACFICSCU makes no guarantees or representation, and intentionally contradicts all guarantees concerning the activity, resources and or administration of the Internet, including but not limited to, guarantees of the administration process or fitness for a certain purpose. The user will assume all liability associated through the using and or accessing the internet, in addition but not limited to any adulteration to or damage, loss, alteration or destruction of the user’s hardware, software, material, data, message, and information diffused or acquired by the user and any result and or aftermath of the user’s communication, acknowledgement of accessing of any material, documentation, message or Internet information. |